Statnett StasjonsBuddy
Pilotapp Stasjonsbuddy for Statnett
Statnett wanted to document the needs and create a native iOS app for their in-field Electrical Technicians working at Transformer stations. Through continuous collaboration, prototyping, and validation in the field with the end-users, we created a Proof of Concept for an MVP, Version 1 and 2 of the app the StasjonsBuddy (StasjonBuddy), a complete tool for in-field work. The app is validated in accordance with Health and Safety regulation (HMS vedtekter), made to integrate with Statnett’s own databases and internal systems e.g. IFS, and was designed to connect to third-party vendors, such as laboratories for gas and oil analysis.
Due to extensive upgrading of Statnett’s internal systems, the project is currently put on hold.
Senior designer. Field research, clickable prototypes, user interviews, user surveys, workshops and user journey and need mapping, featuring interal stakeholders. Presentations, internal lectures about the design process, leading to two smaller analyses and creation of concepts for adjacent departments.